The Mystery Train Studio is centered around a Vintage 40 / 8 / 2 Channel TBG Modular Analog Console build in 1983. This one was custom build for the Bavarian Broadcast and used originally in a Mobile Recording Truck. These consoles offer a quite a few insert points accessible from its huge patchbay. (Post pre / post eq / pre or post fader).
Soundwise it is big and open leaving the midrange relatively untouched when you use the the insert points. There are also 32 direct outputs which offer a more warmer Vintage type of Sound.
In Addtion to the 40 internal Mic Pre’s there is a nice collection of Vintage Tube mic Pre’s (V41 / V76 / V72 / V 72a / ÜV300) available.
As recording medium You can choose either a Studer A827 2 inch Tape Machine or Digital Pro Tools 32 Track converters. So you can go completely Analog or half Digital.
The Mystery Train Studio is centered around a Vintage 40 / 8 / 2 Channel TBG Modular Analog Console build in 1983. This one was custom build for the Bavarian Broadcast and used originally in a Mobile Recording Truck. These consoles offer a quite a few insert points accessible from its huge patchbay. (Post pre / post eq / pre or post fader).
Soundwise it is big and open leaving the midrange relatively untouched when you use the the insert points. There are also 32 direct outputs which offer a more warmer Vintage type of Sound.
In Addtion to the 40 internal Mic Pre’s there is a nice collection of Vintage Tube mic Pre’s (V41 / V76 / V72 / V 72a / ÜV300) available.
As recording medium You can choose either a Studer A827 2 inch Tape Machine or Digital Pro Tools 32 Track converters. So you can go completely Analog or half Digital.